Where Can You See a Frida Kahlo Exhibition in 2024?

frida kahlo exhibitions worldwide

Frida Kahlo continues to captivate audiences worldwide. In 2024, several museums are hosting exhibitions to immerse visitors in the iconic Mexican painter's transcendent world.

From multimedia experiences delving into her life story to intimate displays of her most famous works, these not-to-be-missed shows provide a rare opportunity to encounter Kahlo's uncompromising vision and trailblazing spirit.

In this blog post, I take a look at some of the current and upcoming Frida Kahlo exhibitions in 2024 where you can experience the unique world of Frida Kahlo, and explore how her legacy continues to inspire and captivate audiences around the globe.

Table of Contents

About Frida Kahlo

1. Frida Kahlo, ¡Viva La Vida! – Grand Palais Immersif

2. Frida Kahlo at Biennale Arte 2024 in Venice

3. Frida Kahlo: The Life of an Icon - Art Science Museum, Singapore

4. Frida Kahlo exhibition at the Rose Art Museum, Massachusetts

5. "Frida Kahlo Diego and I" at Fundación Malba, Buenos Aires

6. Yo Soy Frida Kahlo in Querétaro

7. "Frida Kahlo and the Blue House" at El Museo Latino's

8. Frida Kahlo Museum, Mexico City

9. Museo Dolores Olmedo Patiño, Mexico City

10. The Museum of Modern Art, Mexico City

About Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo, the renowned Mexican artist, has left her mark on the art world with her vibrant, expressive and deeply personal works.

Born in 1907, Kahlo's life was marked by physical pain and emotional turmoil, but she channelled these experiences into her art, creating works that are both personal and universal.

Frida Kahlo's unique style is characterised by bold colours, intricate details, and a surreal quality that blurs the line between reality and imagination. Her art often features self-portraits that capture her physical and emotional struggles, as well as her Mexican heritage and political beliefs.

Despite her relatively short life, Frida Kahlo's legacy continues to resonate with people all over the world. Her art has been the subject of numerous exhibitions. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in Frida Kahlo's life and work, with new exhibitions and events celebrating her enduring influence.

1. Frida Kahlo, ¡Viva La Vida! – Grand Palais Immersif

Dive into the vibrant life and art of Frida Kahlo at the "Frida Kahlo ¡Viva La Vida!" exhibition at the Grand Palais Immersif.

From September 18th, 2024 to March 2nd, 2025, this innovative experience promises to transport you beyond a typical museum visit.

Using 360-degree projections, captivating animations, and an original soundtrack, the exhibition takes inspiration from Kahlo's personal diary.

This intimate window will unveil her passions, struggles, and the deep connection between her art and life. Witness her bold self-portraits and iconic paintings come alive in a multi-sensory journey that's unlike any other.

2. Frida Kahlo at Biennale Arte 2024 in Venice

  • Address: Venice

  • Frida Kahlo Exhibition from 20th April 2024 to 24th November 2024

Frida Kahlo, the iconic Mexican artist, is finally being recognised at the prestigious Biennale Arte in Venice.

This year's theme, "Strangers Everywhere," perfectly complements Kahlo's exploration of identity and selfhood.

Running from April 20th to November 24th, the exhibition showcases Kahlo's powerful self-portrait, "Diego y Yo" (1949). This piece delves into the complexities of her relationship with muralist Diego Rivera, using symbolism to express both love and emotional turmoil. Kahlo's bold use of a Tehuana huipil, a garment signifying female agency, further underscores her Mexican heritage.

This long-awaited exhibition promises a profound exploration of a groundbreaking artist.

3. Frida Kahlo: The Life of an Icon - Art Science Museum, Singapore

If you are in Singapore, immerse yourself in the captivating world of Frida Kahlo. "Frida Kahlo: The Life of an Icon" is a biographical exhibition that transports visitors through eight thematic spaces, unveiling the many facets of Kahlo's life through photographs, films, and interactive installations.

Prepare to be swept away by 360-degree projections and creative visitor activation spaces that bring her paintings and story to life.

From her passions and talents to the adversities she overcame, this exhibition celebrates Kahlo's perseverance, rebellion, and courage that continue to empower and inspire today.

4. Frida Kahlo exhibition at the Rose Art Museum, Massachusetts

  • Frida Kahlo Exhibition from 10th February 2022 to 16th June 2024

Step into the vibrant world of Frida Kahlo at the Rose Art Museum's intimate exhibition.

Marvel at her 1938 painting Itzcuintli Dog and Me, on loan from a private collection. This self-portrait masterpiece is complemented by photographs from Kahlo's father Guillermo and former lover Nicholas Muray, providing a multifaceted glimpse into her life.

The exhibit highlights Kahlo's Mexican heritage, unique fashion, portrayal of her disabled body, queer identity, and daring spirit. Seamlessly intertwined with the museum's permanent collection, these works encapsulate Kahlo's bold, transgressive ways of living and creating.

5. "Frida Kahlo Diego and I" at Fundación Malba, Buenos Aires

Immerse yourself in the passionate world of Frida Kahlo at the "Frida Kahlo Diego and I" exhibition.

A centerpiece is the 1949 painting "Diego and I," - Frida Kahlo's final self-portrait bust featuring her husband Diego Rivera's face as her third eye - a record-setting acquisition for Latin American art.

This emblematic work symbolizes their tumultuous 25-year marriage, displayed alongside 1942's "Self-Portrait with Monkey and Parrot" and a trove of personal artifacts like photos, letters, and belongings.

The exhibition provides a window into Kahlo's meticulous artistic vision stemming from her 1925 bus accident which drastically altered her life's course.

Beyond depicting her complex relationship with Diego, Frida Kahlo's art interwove diverse spiritual and cultural influences like Catholicism, ancient Mesoamerica, Hinduism, and the occult. Her transcendent worldview exploring dualities of life/death, masculine/feminine, and mind/body emanated from a uniquely pluralistic perspective as a mestiza woman.

6. Yo Soy Frida Kahlo in Querétaro

  • Immersive Frida Kahlo Exhibition until 31 August 2024

"Yo Soy Frida Kahlo" is a popular immersive experience in Querétaro, Mexico.

This multi-sensory journey showcases 300 digital images of their iconic works, offering a deep dive into their artistic expressions.

Explore scenographic installations detailing the lives and contributions of these renowned Mexican artists. And become part of the mural “Dream of a Sunday afternoon in the Alameda Central”! Explore the different photography spots throughout the experience and share your photos on social networks

7. "Frida Kahlo and the Blue House" at El Museo Latino's

  • Immersive Frida Kahlo Exhibition until 27th July 2024

The Frida Kahlo exhibition at El Museo Latino's titled "Frida Kahlo and the Blue House" provides a selection of vivid colour photographs by Cristina Kahlo, capturing the iconic Blue House's architecture and interiors where Frida lived and created her masterpieces.

The exhibit also features vintage black and white photos by Diego Rivera, Antonio Kahlo, and others, providing an intimate glimpse into Frida's life and surroundings.

Highlights include public tours in English and Spanish, a "Lunch & Learn" on Frida's Mexican identity, and a fascinating gallery talk by Sarah Banderas Martinez exploring Frida's passionate letters to Diego and friends.

8. Frida Kahlo Museum, Mexico City

  • Permanent Frida Kahlo Exhibition

Located in the Colonia del Carmen neighborhood of Coyoacán in Mexico City, you will find the Frida Kahlo Museum, also known as Casa Azul (Blue House). This is where Frida Kahlo was born, grew up and later lived with her muralist husband Diego Rivera.

9. Museo Dolores Olmedo Patiño, Mexico City

  • Permanent Frida Kahlo Exhibition

The Dolores Olmedo Patiño Musem is an art museum in Xochimilco, Mexico City. This museum holds, as part of its permanent exhibit, several paintings and drawings of both Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera.

10. The Museum of Modern Art, Mexico City

  • Permanent Frida Kahlo Exhibition

The Museo de Arte Moderno (Museum of Modern Art) is located in Chapultepec park, Mexico City. The Permanent Collection of the MAM includes artworks of some famous Mexican female artists such as Frida Kahlo, María Izquierdo and Cordelia Ureta.

I hope you have found this blog post useful. If you know of any other Frida Kahlo exhibitions you think I should include here, please email me at sarahransomeart@gmail.com.

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